Ever feel like your team is in a deadlock? The product owner wants Gizmo+ to be shipped, your senior engineers are split between grokking Gizmo+ and fixing Widget++ . Meanwhile the SDETs are franticly updating automated checks/BDD scripts and exploratory testers are uncovering that Widget+ and Gizmo+ should have been named ...+10 given the number of surprise bonus features they are finding. As a consequence feature delivery can start to slow and quality is inevitably hit as difficult decisions are made on what to fix. The typical reactions to such a situation can depend on your project's context, but to highlight a few common ones: Ramp up team size. Push back on deadlines. Push back on new features. Delay releases until 'it all gets sorted' ... I don't have to break it to you that these options are 'far from optimal'. In summary they all revolve around costing more and delivering less (from my time as a programme manager I can tell you - thats wha
My thoughts on developing & testing.