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Showing posts with the label horology

Saving Time?

For those of you that don't know, I'm somewhat of an amateur horologist. I love clocks, watches and all sorts of time and date keeping gadgets. To feed my passion I've decided to invest in my own custom made timepiece. This device will be my first custom made high value item, in what I hope will one day be a great collection. To ensure I get what I want, I've taken some time and documented the following requirements for my new clock. They list what I want from the timepiece, and also what I don't want or need. Have a read through, and hopefully you'll see what it is I'm after. A new clock should be developed for my new home in London. The clock will need to: - Display the time. - Display in roman numerals and modern  'arabic' numerals . - Be accurate enough for household use - approx' to with in a few minutes. - Be ornamental - preferably with a intricately styled clock face. - Have a traditional square brass clock face - Be construct...