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Showing posts from September, 2021

Development and test environments - on demand at the press of a button (That actually work!)

“Works on my machine!” “Fails most epicly on my test system!” “Oh, wait… it works on CI but fails in Test env 3.” Sound familiar? These sorts of conversations are thankfully a thing of the past.  Wait, hold on - are you still having these sorts of conversations? That's probably because you are working somewhere where the development, test, production & CI servers are being created by people, painfully, once. Alexander the Great cutting through the Gordian knot of a particularly gnarly micro-service deployment. You set up your laptop, you pray to the god of operating system patches and upgrades and hope that nothing ever changes (ever). You're gonna be the last person in the team to take that new Mac OS upgrade - let the rest of the team run through those mine fields first. And the test systems? Last time you asked for a new one of those your programme manager ended up on new & stronger heart meds. Luckily, there are tools that can help.  Gitpod , for example, allows you