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Showing posts from September, 2012

Cincinnati Test Store

Monday 3rd September 1827, A man steps off the road at the corner of Fifth and Elm, and walks into a store. He's frequented the store a few times since it opened, and he's starting to get to know the owner and his range of merchandise. In fact, like many of people in town he's becoming a regular customer. He steps up to the counter, both he and the store owner glance at the large clock hanging on the wall and nod in unison. The shop-keeper makes a note of the time, the two then begin a rapid discussion of requirements and how the shop keeper might be able to help. When they've agreed what's needed, the shop keeper prepares the various items, bringing them to the counter, weighed, measured and packaged ready for transport to the customers nearby holding. The store keeper then presents the bill to the customer, who glances at the clock again, and the prices listed on each of the items arranged around the store's shelves and then pays. The customer smiles as he l...