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Showing posts with the label guardian

Web application security testing - A Guardian website example.

When you read a blog post like this, or an article on a website, can you be sure its the 'real thing'? How would you know if it had been doctored? Lets assume the 'server' is fairly secure and hasn't been hacked into. So the content is going to be OK isn't it?, it looks OK..? So we've checked the location bar at the top of our web browser and it definitely has the right website/company name. No funny-looking misspelled names, possibly meaning I'm reading a fake site. And to be doubly sure, the browsers location bar states its using HTTPS and even has that reassuring little padlock we've come to look for and trust. OK, so to recap: The website's server is secured. (Well - for the the purposes of this, lets give them the benefit of the doubt) The logo, words, content and layout all appear to be kosher. We are using the correct website address. (No unusual spellings e.g.: etc) The page is secured using HTTPS. (Warm glow from ...

Are you sure you've "completed" testing? A Guardian Content API example.

Testing doesn't complete, it might end, it might finish, but it doesn't complete. There's too much to test. If you ever need confirmation of this, test something, something that's been tested already. Better still test a piece of software, you know has been tested by someone you think is a brilliant tester. A good tester like you, will still find new issues, ambiguities and bugs. That's because the complexity of modern software is huge: as well as all the potential code paths of your code, there's all the other underlying code's paths and the near infinite domain of data it might process. Thats part of the beauty of testing, you have to be able to get a handle on this vast test space. That is, review a near infinite test-space in a [very] finite time-frame. We are unable to give a complete picture of the product to our clients. But we are also free to find out new issues, that have so far eluded others. In fact the consequences are potentially more drama...

Is your test automation actually agile? A Guardian Content API example.

In my last post I discussed how test automation could be used to do things that I couldn't easily do unaided. In that example, execute thousands of news 'content searches' and help me sort through them. With the help of some simple test automation I found some potential issues with the results returned by the REST API. In that case, I started out with the aim of implementing a tool. But your testing might not lead you that way, often your own hands-on investigation can find an issue. But you don't know how widespread it is, is it a one-off curiosity? or a sign of something more widespread.? Again, this is where test automation can help, and if done well, without being an implementation or maintenance burden. Many test automation efforts are blind to the very Agile idea of YAGNI or You Ain't Gonna Need it . They often presume to know all that needs to be tested in advance, deciding to invest most of their time writing 'tests' blindly against a specific...