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Showing posts from May, 2011

A Fair Witness

About 10 years ago, I was working with a client who were in the process of developing a new ecommerce website. The new website and servers were designed to replace an entire existing suite of systems, and provide a platform for the company's future expansion. As you might imagine, the project was sprawling, new front end servers, new middleware and a host of back-end business to business systems. The project had expanded during its course, as new areas of old functionality were identified and the business requested new systems to support new ventures. This isn't an unusual scenario for software development projects, it is for exactly this type of situation that many companies now look to agile methodologies for help. But don't worry this isn't a rant about the benefits of one methodology over another. What interested me was the how the project team members performed and viewed their testing efforts. Each build of the code would include new functionality, [hopefully]...