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Showing posts with the label tricks

Your software sucks (any data you give it)

At 1524h, On the afternoon of January 15th 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 was cleared for takeoff from Runway 4 at New York's La Guardia airport. The airplane carried 150 passengers and 5 flight crew, on a flight to Charlotte Douglas, North Carolina. The Airbus A320's twin CFM56 engines had been serviced just over a month prior to the flight. The plane climbed to a height of 859m (2818 feet) before disaster struck. Passengers reported hearing several loud bangs and then flames being visible from the engines' exhaust. Shortly thereafter the 2 engines shut-down, robbing the Airbus of thrust and its primary source of electrical power. At this point the Captain took over from the First officer and between them they spent the next 3 minutes both looking for somewhere to land, while also desperately trying to restart their aircraft's engines. What Happened? A flock of birds had crossed the path of the Airbus and several had struck the plane. Both engines had ingested bi


Meet my new friend 2.2250738585072012e-308, We've been hanging out recently. If you've not heard of him, he's about ten years old but thats pretty old in [dog and in] software years. He's getting pretty famous in his old age, but he had humble beginnings as a lowly bug report on a Sun Microsystems website. It's rumoured he was first discovered back in 2001, but his big break didn't come until recently , when it was realised that he has the potential to be a key component of a Denial of Service attack that could bring down many java based systems [that accept floating point numbers  as input]. This includes commonplace application servers like Tomcat, who accept floating point numbers as part of the HTTP protocol. 2.2250738585072012e-308 has now been placed firmly in my mental bag of tricks along with divide by zero, 2^32, null, imaginary numbers, localised floats and all the others that routinely get brought out to help me test and investigate software. Bu