People want to believe. If you are a tester then you've probably seen this in your work. A new build of the software has been delivered. "Just check it works" you're told, It's 'a given ' for most people that the software will work. This isn't unusual, it's normal human behaviour. Research has suggested that it's in our nature to believe first. Then secondly, given the opportunity, we might have doubt cast upon those beliefs. We see this problem everywhere in our daily lives. Quack remedies thrive on our need to believe there is a simple [sugar] pill or even an mp3 file that will solve our medical problems. Software like medicine is meant to solve problems, make our lives or businesses better, healthier. Software release are often presented to us as a one-build solution to a missing feature or a nasty bug in the code. As teams, we often under-estimate the 'unknown' areas of our work. We frequently under-estimate the time taken to...
My thoughts on developing & testing.