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Showing posts from February, 2022

Micropython + LoRaWAN = PyLoRaWAN

I recently open sourced a simple Micropython library for LoRaWAN on the Raspberry Pi Pico.  (If you are interested, You can find it on GitHub .) If you are unsure what that all means, let me unpack it for you... Micropython is a slimmed down version of Python 3.x that works on microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi Pico, and a host of other microcontroller boards .  LoRaWAN is a wireless communication standard that is ideal for long range, low power & low band width data transmission. Its based on a clever technique for making signals work well over distance, called LoRa. The library I've shared is a wrapper around the existing LoRaWAN support provided by the RAK Wireless 4200 board. The RAK4200  (affiliate link) essentially provides a modem, that can establish a connection to the network and relay messages. It uses the traditional AT command syntax (used by the modems of yore!) The Pico and RAK4200 Evaluation board (there is also a UPS under the Pico there - that's...