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Test Engineers, counsel for... all of the above!

Sometimes people discuss test engineers and QA as if they were a sort of police force, patrolling the streets of code looking for offences and offenders. While I can see the parallels, the investigation, checking the veracity of claims and a belief that we are making things safer. The simile soon falls down.

But testers are not on the other side of the problem, we work alongside core developers, we often write code and follow all the same procedures (pull requests, planning, requirements analysis etc) they do. We also have the same goals, the delivery of working software that fulfills the team’s/company's goals and avoids harm.

"A few good men" a great courtroom drama, all about finding the truth.

Software quality, whatever that means for you and your company is helped by Test Engineers. Test Engineers approach the problem from another vantage point. We are the lawyers (& their investigators) in the court-room, sifting the evidence, questioning the facts and viewing the app from the other side’s point of view.

That's right, we are both sides; we need to show that the right job was done, but then put on a shinier suit and show the weaknesses in case. We are there to get at the truth, the details of how your app will work in the actual world is always messy and imperfect. This grey area is where your customers live, with their different data, slower devices and original use cases, and this where test engineers make their living. They play both sides to a common goal, finding out what your app is really doing, and why it might not be making you as much money as you hoped.


  1. Investigating software is an invaluable tool in today's digital landscape, empowering professionals across various fields to efficiently gather and analyze data for a myriad of purposes. Its user-friendly interfaces and advanced features streamline processes, enabling investigators to uncover crucial insights with precision and speed. Whether used in law enforcement, cybersecurity, or corporate compliance, this software enhances accuracy and effectiveness, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and successful outcomes. Its adaptability to evolving technological trends ensures that investigators stay ahead in their pursuit of truth and justice. Moreover, the collaborative capabilities fostered by these platforms facilitate seamless teamwork, maximizing productivity and enhancing collective intelligence. In essence, investigating software stands as a beacon of innovation, empowering individuals and organizations alike to navigate the complexities of modern investigation with confidence and efficiency.

  2. Hey everyone, After reading through the insightful comments on this thread, I wanted to share a valuable tool I recently came across. As test engineers, we often deal with visual assets that may have distracting backgrounds, hindering our testing process. That's why I found the BG Remover tool ( incredibly useful. It efficiently removes backgrounds from images, enabling clearer focus on the subject matter during testing. This not only enhances the visual clarity of our tests but also streamlines our workflow. Give it a try and see how it optimizes your testing experience! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with similar tools.


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